Thursday, November 12, 2009


My friend and author of a fantastic resource for you (Start an Office Cleaning Business), Sam Rodman, just sent this to me. I know you'll find it helpful:


In these tough economic times, I thought it important to share
with you my thoughts on bidding. First of all, remember that
the service of office cleaning is in fact a recession-proof business.

There are many offices and office buildings that already pay for this
service because they need it. Even in tough economic times, they still need
it and they still pay for it. So you have that working for you.

I still get new customers for my office cleaning business and you can too.
When the going gets tough the tough going.


Your goal is not to just make phone calls and mail out letters. Your goal is to submit your bid and then mail out your bid follow- up letter. Do those things first and getting the customer will follow.

If you need to, involve a salesperson in your business. If you do that , I suggest that you offer them a 10 percent commission every month for the first 6 months on each new account. At that point the commision would stop.

Whatever price you come up with for a new account you should still try to discuss it with the decision maker and come to an agreement regardless of any other bids they may have. You want them to employ you and your cleaning business over any others.

So , discuss the situation with the individual in charge. Point out to them that your cleaning service includes everything listed on the first page of your service agreement.
In addition to that,( if need be) tell them that you will include the changing of the burned out ceiling lights as part of your service. This is a very good selling point and quite often a deal breaker. Most cleaning companies do not perform that service but you can offer to include it.

There is always a price range in which an office or building could be cleaned for. Normally that range could go up about 50 percent higher than the price that you have in mind.
Point out this range to the decision maker and ask them if this is in their budget?
Try to come to an agreement with them and get the job for your cleaning business, regardless of any other bids. It's not all about the price.

There is a security issue for them to consider as this is an indoor service. They don't want anyone in their office anymore than you would want anyone cleaning your home. Especially different people all of the time. Get personal with the decision maker.
What is it going to take for them to employ you and your cleaning business over anyone else?

Be persistant with them. Follow up with phone calls , letters and even a personal visit.
Build up your own list of prospects. Even if that list starts out small, say 10 prospects,that would be just fine. You can refine your list as time goes by. Keeping only the hottest prospects on your top 10 list. Keep in touch with them and always try to come to an agreement with them in person.

By asking them the question, "is that in your budget?" you are involving them in the price.
You are getting their feedback and their help in coming to an agreement on the price. Most people will be helpful with you and they will at least open up with you regarding the price they are willing to pay you for your service. Use questions as a tool when speaking with the decision maker as this will always help you out.

Start an Office Cleaning Business
For more tips and resources check out my Squidoo lens--

Friday, June 5, 2009

Starting a Cleaning Business in Today's Economy

I often get asked the quickest way to get started with a cleaning business. But it seems everbody wants a short and quick answer!

The question is not how to start quick, but how to start a cleaning business correctly! You see, if you start off right, although it means taking some time in planning and preparation, you will be more successful faster.

Think about it. You can go out and bang on doors, so to speak, tell them you have the lowest price and hope that will do it. Oh, sure you may get a couple of customers, but they will only last as long as someone else doesn't come along with a lower price!

Presenting yourself, and your business, professionally and selling the benefits you have to offer a customer will ensure a long lasting relationship and referrals. It may surprise you that there are many, many cleaning customers that are unhappy with how their current cleaning company is performing. But they either don't have the time or don't know where to look to find an alternative cleaning company.

Then you appear at their doorstep, promoting your superior quality and whatever else you can provide that your competitors are lacking. You have a professional appearance, sales letter & flier, professional contracts, bid forms, pricing sheets and such.

Wow! No longer do you need to underprice your competition! You're selling value, getting their money's worth to the potential customer.

Find out how you can easily have all the tools and resources you need to be as professional as you should Click Here! and get the job!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Get New Business for Your Cleaning Company & Some Cleaning Tips

Remember this. The majority of clients that employ a private
cleaning service are affluent business people. These people own
a very successful business already and they can afford to pay for
a private cleaning service.


In almost every county there is a County Tax Collectors website available
for public viewing. Call them and find out what the URL is for that
website in your area. On that website you can locate all new business
licenses. Scan through them and pick out one's that appear to be good
potential customers for your cleaning business based on the name of
their business or type of business and contact them about submitting
a bid for your cleaning service.


In your cleaning supplies that you use you should always have
some particular items for scrubbing when need be. Here are
one's that you should always have and use.

When you encounter a toilet bowel that has a ring around it inside the toilet it can be very difficult to remove UNLESS,you use... either a "griddle screen" or a "pumice stone" which is available at most any janitorial supply store. This items will work great for you.

Also, when trying to get a difficult mark off of a countertop try using
a Scotch Brite scratch-free scrub pad or for baseboards or doors
try using a product called "Magic Eraser" which you can find at most any
Wal Mart store. Both of these work great for getting marks off without
doing any damage in the process! I'm sure you will like them!

The Original and still the best start - up guide for your own Office Cleaning Business is Starting an Office Cleaning Business. Get it-Click Here!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Office Cleaning--Pros Agree It's the Most Stable in These Economic Times!

I belong to a network group of cleaning professionals-from residential to large commercial independent businesses. We were discussing how business is and if anyone was loosing clients. The residential cleaners are loosing customers as people cut back expenses. Large commercial cleaners-the ones that clean places like auto dealerships and gyms, etc-are loosing clients as businesses close and this group is also having difficulty collecting.

The one area of cleaning that everyone, and I do mean everyone, agreed was not really feeling the economic pinch was Cleaning Small Offices!! Why? Because those small, usually independent, businesses will always need someone to clean their offices and because these business people are, and have been, very cost conscious, they are more likely to hire an independent - YOU - over a franchise.

Our little group also discussed some of the best small businesses to get as clients because of the daily need. The two that came up the most were, drum roll offices and funeral homes. The last one surprised me, but as I thought about it, it's perfect!

I just had to share this with you!

Do you need forms, contracts, introduction letters, bid sheets or anything else for your office cleaning business? For practically nothing you will get everything you need to start off right-no costly mistakes-Right Here!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bidding or Estimates on Office Cleaning Jobs--Tricks and Tips

Need Bid Forms or Estimate Charts? Everything to get you started professionally is included in the Office Cleaning Business StartUp Kit!

You've got the appointment to do a bid or estimate, so how do you give yourself the winning edge?

I will share a few of tips I have come across from Pros in the cleaning business...

1. Do more listening then talking....

2. Point out a cleaning issue that you observe , but not in a direct manner, like a swipe of a area that has a collection of dust... put it in there head that they can do better with who they have cleaning the place...

3. You dress according to the type of account, shirt and tie is usually best.
Should you wear something with your company logo on it , even if its just a shirt.?
If you have a nice company dress shirt, wear it. But if you just have a company t-shirt, I would still go with a dress shirt, even if it isn't branded. You want to look good regardless, the logo on the shirt is just a bonus.
It's an old saying, but first impressions sure do count. I wouldn't dream of doing a quotation/survey without a shirt and tie, no matter how small or whatever the state of the contract is. I think if you've made an effort then you have made the potential client feel important right away, which can only be a bonus.... :

4. You take legal pad, 2 pens, any company brochures and business cards
Legal pad? .... does a legal pad look less professional than the fancy black binders people take with them....?
The key to the pad or binder you take is it must be extremely easy to use, without a lot of fumbling around, or it will make you look unprofessional. You want something either clipboard style or something that flips completely around so you look slick when you open it not like a high school freshman on the 1st day of school with a new 'jumbo organizer'.

5. You arrive in a clean vehicle, company or not
Whatever you drive make sure it is clean and looking good. That's a priority with me anytime I go to a bid or to clean. Pull up front get out like you own the place. Always appear to be successful even if you are not as of yet.

6. You only ask questions about pricing and current cleaner if you FEEL they will talk to you about it. If they come across as pure business and professional, don't ask--you will look unprofessional. If you establish a quick rapport with the person and they are talkative--then go ahead and try to work it in

7. I always wipe off the chair that they point to when they tell me have a seat, it leaves them questioning their current service.

8. Wear dark pants, make a point of wiping your finger on things and then on your pants, by the end of the walk you will look like an old dust rag, which you can then dust off, adding to your point.

9. Keep it simple and be confident in yourself. Doesn't hurt to listen to some "pump up" music on your way to the bid either. Puts you in the ZONE.

10. Be on time. Never show up late. If you go into a restroom and there is a toilet stopped up ... plunge it. Be complimentary of their office (not how clean or dirty it is). Find something in the person's office your meeting with to talk about for a few minutes. They might have a sports team, etc., you can have a few positive comments about even if you do not like them. I always check the tops of pictures when they are walking us around. They will catch a glimpse of you doing this. I have also had timely phone calls come in that I really really had to take. But have the phone on vibrate.

If you aren't already doing the above tips, you could be losing potential clients, business and your reputation. Implementing these time tested strategies will help your cleaning business be successful.

Need more resources? Visit How to Start an Office Cleaning Business for more tips from the pros and more exciting resources to get you going fast and on the right foot!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


You can make money in tough times! Your own cleaning service is the ultimate survival strategy.

The fact is "Office Cleaning" in particular is the hottest service around! Did you know... a cleaning service is not only popular right now, but it will be a fast growing field in the future?

According to the Labor Statistics, service occupations are expected to see the most expansion! The most recent projections show a huge 75% growth over the next 8 years and it will happen in the service-providing-sector!

Not only that but... this growth is not going to stop! Learn more about it in the Instant Office Cleaning Business Kit.

Expand your own cleaning service with all the best proven methods. The original Instant Office Cleaning Business Kit contains all of the forms, letters, and documents you really need to get started. It also explains how to get started from scratch!

Learn how to get your first steady customer before you spend any money on anything! Listen... talk about "start-up guides"! They don;t get any better, or complete, than the Instant Office Cleaning Business Kit.

TIP of the DAY

Here is a great idea for expanding your cleaning service and I am sure you will be interested in this: Click Here!

Remember "A dream comes about through much activity"

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ideas to Expand Your Cleaning Business

If you have not already ordered the "Instant Office Cleaning Kit"
go ahead and take the plunge! The Kit explains how to test the
waters before spending any money. It also explains how to get your
first customer all lined up before you do anything else! You won't believe the information and resources you'll get with the kit for the low, low price!

Your own office cleaning business is a sure fire business!
I assure you, the market in your area is ripe and wide open
to you and your own service business. It really is a great opportunity!
The Kit will get you started. You can really hit the ground running
with the information contained in this extremly useful
"Instant Office Cleaning Kit" I just know your gonna love it!

Also, the famous Free Cleaning Formula is still available in the upper
left corner of the website at: Start an Office Cleaning Business

Everyone really likes it and anyone can really Use it To Save Money!
Forward this email to a friend. They can use it too!


Fax an office and then do a fax follow -up phone call to them
a few days later. Fax and follow- up. Fax and follow- up.
The Kit explains ALL The Best Proven Methods for getting customers
and I am convinced you're gonna love them all! I know you can
really, really use this information!

Here is another great idea for expanding your cleaning service.
It is easy to get started and very profitable for your service business!

Click Here! and read all about it! I'm sure you will be very interested in this for your service business and I highly recommend this to you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There's Good Reason to be Positive About Office Cleaning Business

Our new President says that our economy is going to get worse before it gets better? I think that is true...BUT....SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE. Some things remain the same. LOOK AT THESE OFFICE CLEANING FACTS...

The fact is...most cleaning services do NOT do a good job and they do not give thecustomer what they are paying for. Most office managers are not happy with the cleaning service that they have at this time.

The office cleaning industry is so huge. There is plenty of room for you. Once most cleaning companies become large, the quality of their work goes downhill.

JUST ONE new office cleaning account, (especially a Prime Account) that PAYS OVER $1000 DOLLARS A MONTH) for Part-Time cleaning service each week...CAN BE LIFE CHANGING FOR JUST ABOUT ANYONE...INCLUDING YOU!

No up-front money is required to make this business work.

The Office Cleaning Business StartUp Kit explains A Proven Method of getting started in this business that is totally risk-free. I'm talking about getting an office cleaning account all lined up and ready to begin paying you every month for your cleaning service BEFORE you need to spend a dime on anything at all.

When you consider all the facts (above), you should really consider jumping in and getting started. Many, many offices out there and office buildings continue to payfor a Part-Time cleaning service EVERY MONTH because they really need it. They will always continue to pay for it and they might as well be paying it TO YOU.

Don't just imagine it, when you really can experience the secure and "guarranteed monthly cash flow" for yourself!

There is good reason to be positve about this office cleaning business.You should be because you can make it work! Office Cleaning Business StartUp Kit