Monday, March 23, 2009

Get New Business for Your Cleaning Company & Some Cleaning Tips

Remember this. The majority of clients that employ a private
cleaning service are affluent business people. These people own
a very successful business already and they can afford to pay for
a private cleaning service.


In almost every county there is a County Tax Collectors website available
for public viewing. Call them and find out what the URL is for that
website in your area. On that website you can locate all new business
licenses. Scan through them and pick out one's that appear to be good
potential customers for your cleaning business based on the name of
their business or type of business and contact them about submitting
a bid for your cleaning service.


In your cleaning supplies that you use you should always have
some particular items for scrubbing when need be. Here are
one's that you should always have and use.

When you encounter a toilet bowel that has a ring around it inside the toilet it can be very difficult to remove UNLESS,you use... either a "griddle screen" or a "pumice stone" which is available at most any janitorial supply store. This items will work great for you.

Also, when trying to get a difficult mark off of a countertop try using
a Scotch Brite scratch-free scrub pad or for baseboards or doors
try using a product called "Magic Eraser" which you can find at most any
Wal Mart store. Both of these work great for getting marks off without
doing any damage in the process! I'm sure you will like them!

The Original and still the best start - up guide for your own Office Cleaning Business is Starting an Office Cleaning Business. Get it-Click Here!

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